Get a Leg Up

Leg Up is taking a little break so this form has been disabled for the time being.

Will be back soon after a bit of a sleep and some mooching.

Right, so what is this?


Are you feeling a bit stuck, uncertain, or just not sure how to get started?

Would you benefit from a chat with someone who knows things about the kind of work you want to do?

We want to connect you to the right person so that you can have a meaningful chat about how you can progress.

How does it work?


Fill in the contact form below and tell us where you are in your journey and what kind of chat you’re looking for.

Within about a week, we’ll connect you to someone who knows lots about the challenge you’re facing, or the industry you’re seeking to advance in.

You can then set up a one-hour chat, either online or in-person. Please respect the time-limit.

Important things to know.


This is a completely voluntary programme.

Please be respectful of people’s time and limit your conversation to the allotted hour, whether online or in person.

No money is involved and no one should ask you for money. If they do, refuse and please report back to us.

This is not a coaching service. It’s just a place for good chats because good chats can be the start of real change.

Any kind of disrespect, discrimination, or isms will not be tolerated.

Some things to consider before you get in touch.


What do you want to get advice about? A general chat about the state of play in a certain industry is also fun but just make it clear in your request. Think about specific questions you have.

What are your goals? At the end of the conversation, is there anything you want to have achieved?

Remember: people really do want to chat to you. If you’re nervous or shy about asking for help or a fresh point of view, remember that everyone has to start somewhere. It’s brave that you’re taking the chance to make a change.